Sunday, 6 February 2022

πŸ’§The existence of life is waterπŸ’§

    Water is an essential element for the survival of animals and plants.πŸŒ³πŸŒΎπŸ˜πŸ‡πŸ„ If the earth loses water, animals and plants will also die. For that reason water is something that should be used sparingly. However, at the present, water is becoming increasingly polluted. 😣

      Water is polluted due to industrial effluents and various agrochemicals. As a result, many people get various diseases. In this case, many people in Sri Lanka have to buy water for money. Due to the felling of trees, there is less rainfall at present. If water pollution continues like this, the people of the world will have to face a water crisis in the future. Only 1% of the world's water is available for human consumption. Therefore, every person should take steps to use the limited amount of water available sparingly. If so, future generations will not have to face a water crisis.

   People need water for various purposes. Water is an essential element for cultivation. Water is also needed for drinking and cooking. In addition, water is needed for bathing and washing cloths. Also, most of the electricity in Sri Lanka is generated from water. Therefore, water is also required for power generation. Wells, Lakes, Rivers, Ponds etc. can be mentioned as water sources. Without water, there would be no life on earth.

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